Oil Mill

Pallada - Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Tours


Sternes, Akrotiri, Chania, Crete


About Us

In 1980, the company Papadomanolakis was founded in Chania, Crete, with the initial purpose of producing and marketing extra virgin olive oil.

It is a constantly evolving family business, which now operates as "Pallada Project E.E." and specializes in the production and packaging of olive oil and spices.

Since 2012, the main concern of the people of the company has been the development of individual packages of spices based on their extra virgin olive oil production, a successful goal, with the "Pallada" portion products now being recognized in the domestic and international market.

The thorough research, know-how as well as the passion for quality and innovation allow the company to continuously expand its product range, with the ultimate goal of meeting the demanding daily nutritional needs of the modern consumer as well as the ever-changing needs of the market.

From the olive groves of Akrotiri Chania, we exclusively produce olive oil of the Koroneiki variety, which is recognized by the International Olive Oil Council as a world heritage variety.

The fruit is transported from the field to the mill in plastic boxes and linen sacks, which are placed in such a way that they are not stacked and are sufficiently ventilated.

After harvesting, oiling is carried out within a few hours with cold pressing and specifications that ensure an excellent product.

This is how an extra virgin olive oil of superior quality is produced, with high nutritional value and the best possible organoleptic characteristics.




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